St. Ignace Public Library
Your Bridge to Knowledge

Friends of the Library

The purpose of the Friends of the St. Ignace Public Library is to furnish public support to the Library Staff and the Library Board in areas such as raising money for the acquisition of materials and equipment, developing particular collections (for example: U.P. History), sponsoring and participating in other projects such as reading programs and supplying volunteers for routine needs of the library.

Membership Application


Membership Drive

The Friends of the St. Ignace Public Library has their annual membership drive during the month of August (annual membership runs September 1st through August 31st).  During the current drive we are asking established and new members to make an annual donation of $5 or more.  This amount will increase to $15 beginning with the Fall 2025 membership drive. You can choose to actively participate or make a monetary contribution only.

With a roster of 55 members the Friends want to increase support for the St. Ignace Public Library because funding streams continue to fluctuate.  The Friends of the Library plan to continue fundraising as well as find new ways to assist the library staff.  The Friends are best known for hosting semi annual used book sales, attracting people both local and far beyond the library’s service area.

By volunteering and attending quarterly meetings, Friends of the Library can learn more about the library’s resources and its needs and communicate this information to the community.  Encourage your neighbors and relatives to join also.

We wish to thank members for past participation in Friends of the Library – your support is greatly appreciated.  Please help us continue to fund equipment, materials, services and summer programs by renewing with the Friends of the St. Ignace Public Library!

To renew your membership or to become a new member, the application form and donation can be submitted to the St. Ignace Public Library, 110 W Spruce Street, St. Ignace, MI 49781 or dropped off at the library’s circulation desk during open library hours, with checks made payable to Friends of the St. Ignace Public Library.

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  • (906) 643-8318

  • Hours

    Monday: 10 AM – 5 PM
    Tuesday: 10 AM – 5 PM
    Wednesday: 10 AM – 7 PM
    Thursday: 10 AM – 5 PM
    Friday: 10 AM – 5 PM
    Saturday: 10 AM – 3 PM

St. Ignace Public Library